News Release

Landscape ecology's role in policymaking

The field offers unique insights into global change

Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Institute of Biological Sciences

Puerto Rico Land Use

image: This is a Puerto Rican vista showing a mosaic of land uses and land-cover types, with tropical montane forests giving way to lands cleared for agriculture and built dwellings. view more 

Credit: Audrey Mayer

The BioScience Talks podcast features discussions of topical issues related to the biological sciences.

The world faces unprecedented environmental transformation. Successfully managing and adapting to a rapidly changing Earth requires the swift action of well-informed policymakers. In a State of the Science report for BioScience, Audrey Mayer of Michigan Technological University and her colleagues describe a major role for the field of landscape ecology in informing policy and management. She joins us on this episode of BioScience Talks to chat about the article and discuss some practical applications --both those in use and those on the horizon. Because landscape ecology operates at multiple scales and across human and natural systems, it is a uniquely powerful tool for those who will make tomorrow's environmental and land-use policies.

To hear the whole discussion, visit this link for this latest episode of the Bioscience Talks podcast.


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