News Release

Low-intensity ultrasound therapy and fracture healing

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Canadian Medical Association Journal

Jason Busse and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarize the data from randomized controlled trails involving humans that studied the effect of ultrasound therapy on fracture healing.

The authors found that of 138 potentially eligible studies, 3 were of good quality and sufficiently heterogeneous that the data could be pooled. These trials involved 158 fractures at 3 different sites: the tibial shaft, the distal radius and the scaphoid. In all 3 studies, the mean time to healing was shorter in the treatment group than in the control groups (weighted average effect size 6.41; 95% confidence interval 1.01-11.81).

The authors acknowledge that, although more and better trials are needed, self-applied ultrasound treatment holds promise for shortening the healing time of non-operative fractures.


p. 437 The effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound therapy on time to fracture healing: a meta-analysis

— J.W. Busse, et al

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