News Release

Patients with psychosis more interested in physical health than anticipated

Participation in screening for cardiovascular risk by people with schizophrenia or similar mental illnesses: cross sectional study in general practice BMJ Volume 326, pp 1122-3

Peer-Reviewed Publication


People with serious mental illnesses may be more willing to look after their physical well-being than anticipated, according to a study in this week's BMJ.

Researchers in London invited patients from seven inner London general practices to a cardiovascular risk assessment at their practice. Their analysis is based on 182 patients with psychosis and 313 people without psychosis.

Many more patients with psychosis accepted the offer than predicted. In fact, absolute differences in uptake of screening between the groups were small, say the authors.

Given that the risk of physical illness is higher for people with severe mental illnesses, these findings may encourage more assertive efforts to manage the physical health of these patients.


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