News Release

Carrot component reduces cancer risk

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Newcastle University

Scientists have given us another reason to eat carrots - a compound found in the popular root vegetable has been found to have an effect on the development of cancer.

A team of researchers, from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in England and Denmark, found the natural pesticide falcarinol reduced the risk of cancer developing in rats by one third.

Although experts have recommended that people eat carrots for their anti-cancer properties, it has not been known exactly what component of the vegetable has this effect.

The study results, published today in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, are significant as they could contribute to healthy eating advice for consumers and recommendations for growers and may eventually aid the development of anti-cancer drugs.

Falcarinol protects carrots from fungal diseases, such as liquorice rot that causes black spots on the roots during storage. The scientists investigated the compound after a previous published study suggested it could prevent the development of cancer.

The research team carried out tests on 24 rats with pre-cancerous tumours in laboratory conditions. They divided them into three groups and fed them different diets.

The team found that, after 18 weeks, rats who ate carrots (the popular orange variety) along with their ordinary feed and the group which consumed falcarinol with their feed - in a quantity equal to that contained in the carrots - were one third less likely to develop full-scale tumours than the rats in the control group.

Dr Kirsten Brandt, a senior lecturer with Newcastle University's School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, carried out the research with the University of Southern Denmark and the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. She said: "We already know that carrots are good for us and can reduce the risk of cancer but until now we have not known which element of the vegetable has these special properties.

"Our research allows us to make a more qualitative assessment of the vegetables we are eating, rather than quantitative. We now need to take it a step further by finding out how much falcarinol is needed to prevent the development of cancer and if certain types of carrot are better than others, as there are many varieties in existence, of different shapes, colours and sizes.

"We could also expand our research to include other vegetables. For consumers, it may soon no longer be a case of advising them to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day but to eat particular types of these in certain quantities. The research could also lead to more tailored advice for growers regarding the methods they should use when growing vegetables."

The experiment was conducted using raw carrots so researchers do not yet know if eating boiled carrots or drinking carrot juice, for example, would have the same effect.

Dr Brandt, who says she eats "more carrots than most" and grows her own organic varieties, recommended that consumers should eat one small carrot every day, together with other vegetables and fruits, to benefit from their health-giving properties.

Falcarinol is toxic in large amounts but to obtain a lethal dose you would have to eat 400 kilograms of carrots at once. Researchers suspect it is effective because it stimulates mechanisms in the body that fight cancer, although they have yet to carry out a detailed analysis in this respect.


The research was funded by the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council and participating institutions.

Journal ref. Inhibitory effects of feeding with carrots or falcarinol on development of azoxymethane-induced colon preneoplastic lesions in rats, Kobaek-Larsen et al, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.


Dr Kirsten Brandt. Tel. + 44(0) 191 222 5852 or +44 (0) 7887 838 079. Email: Availability: 9am-5pm GMT Tuesday February 8 and 9am-5pm GMT on Wednesday February 9.

Pictures of Dr Brandt with carrots, by North News and Pictures, may be used free of charge and downloaded from the Internet using the following weblinks:


    Picture of different varieties of carrots (may be used free of charge, please credit: Gitte K. Bjørn, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Aarslev, Denmark):

    Filming opportunity:
    This can be arranged in advance by the Press Office on a carrot-growing farm in Northumberland. Interviews with the scientist at the farm may also be organised.

    Note to radio newsdesks:
    Newcastle University has a fully equipped radio studio, with ISDN line, which may be used free of charge, subject to availability and within the hours of 9am and 5pm GMT.

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