News Release

Business and ethics -- mutually exclusive?

A guide to corporate ethics and corporate governance just published

Book Announcement


Corporations are under fire. Hardly a day goes by that executive conduct doesn’t appear as a topic – or, more accurately, as a problem – in the media. This leads to increased public pressure on corporations, many of whom are reacting and publicly assuming their corporate responsibility. The notion that business and ethics are mutually exclusive refuses to die. As the satirist Karl Kraus allegedly responded to a student: “You want to study business ethics" Then study either one or the other!”

The new book Corporate Ethics and Corporate Governance represents an introduction to and overview of the diverse aspects of the ethical challenges confronting companies today. It introduces executives, students and interested observers to the complex trends and developments in business ethics. On the one hand, this book presents industry-specific topics in ethics, and on the other provides a general, interdisciplinary survey of the ethical dimensions of management and business.


Walther Ch. Zimmerli is the founding president of the AutoUni and member of the top management of the Volkswagen Group. Klaus Richter works for the department “Coordination CSR and Sustainability” at the Volkswagen Group. Markus Holzinger is Programme Manager at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the AutoUni of the Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft.

Walther C. Zimmerli, Klaus Richter, Markus Holzinger (Eds.)
Corporate Ethics and Corporate Governance
2007. VIII, 332 p.
Hardcover. EUR 79.95, £61.50, $109.00, SFr 131.00
ISBN 978-3-540-70817-9

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