News Release

An even-handed analysis of environmental policy

New book 'The Conflict over Environmental Regulation in the United States' examines the polarized politics of the green movement and industry

Book Announcement


The 1969 crisis of the Santa Barbara, California, offshore oil spill gave birth to new environmental laws that made the United States a leader in environmental protection worldwide. Since then, environmental regulation has been a key issue to both industrial and environmental performance and has contributed to a deepening confrontation between environmental and industrial groups and spread to other areas of politics and society.

In his new book, The Conflict over Environmental Regulation in the United States: Origins, Outcomes and Comparisons with the EU and Other Regions, public policy expert and George Mason University professor Frank Manheim examines the origins of the conflict and analyzes current environmental and resource policy. Other developed nations, especially in the European Union, have initiated more sophisticated and cooperative regulatory policies that have led to high environmental quality and have permitted the EU to lead in global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Topics covered include:

  • Environmentalists versus industry: a collision between the two post-World War II movements
  • The modern offshore oil industry
  • Environmental and public health management
  • Exploring methods to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and their effects
  • Environmental policies in the European Union
  • Reform efforts and the future
  • Case studies and policy analysis.

Frank T. Manheim is an affiliate professor in the School of Public Policy, George Mason University in Virginia, USA. In the course of more than 30 years as a federal government ocean and earth scientist, he served on numerous interagency and scientific advisory panels, including the National Academy of Science-National Research Council, National Science Foundation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management and Minerals Management Service, and industry associations. He has cooperated with European, Russian, and Japanese scientists and agencies and is a recipient of the Swedish Academy of Science Pettersson Medal for Excellence in Ocean Research. Manheim is the author of 190 published articles and has edited or co-edited five books.


The Conflict over Environmental Regulation in the United States: Origins, Outcomes and Comparisons with the EU and Other Regions
Frank T. Manheim
2009. 322 p. 34 illus.
Hardcover $59.95, EUR 42.95, £33.99
ISBN: 978-0-387-75876-3

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