News Release

Solar energy in snow-covered mountains

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A study of solar electricity generation potential suggests that, compared with urban solar panel placement, placement in snow-covered mountains with steep tilt angles could generate similar amounts of energy with less surface area, and could shift a large fraction of electricity production from summer to winter months without compromising total annual production, thereby reducing the seasonal mismatch between electricity demand and production.


Article #17-20808: "The bright side of PV production in snowcovered mountains," by Annelen Kahl, Jerome Dujardin, and Michael Lehning.

MEDIA CONTACT: Annelen Kahl, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, SWITZERLAND; tel: +41-81-417-0382, +41-79-855-3037; e-mail:

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