News Release

Trade-offs in REDD+ funds distribution

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Models of the global effects of various fund allocation scenarios for the international program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) suggest that for a given level of emissions reduction, optimal biodiversity conservation can be achieved for only a moderate increase in cost; adding modest distributional equity targets does not significantly reduce the effect of a given amount of funding on carbon and biodiversity outcomes, but adding sufficiently ambitious equity targets does, according to the authors.

Article #19-08683: "Modeling trade-offs across carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and equity in the distribution of global REDD+ funds," by Ignacio Palomo et al.

MEDIA CONTACT: Ignacio Palomo, Basque Centre for Climate Change, Leioa, SPAIN; tel: +34-605-556-609; e-mail:


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