News Release

Altruism and market integration

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A nationwide lost-letter experiment in Italy, in which stamped, sealed, addressed, but unmailed letters were dispersed in public spaces across 188 communities, revealed a strong positive association between a community's level of market integration and the probability of a passerby mailing the letter; this association held for letters addressed to foreign names as well as Italian names, suggesting that market exchange facilitates expansion of prosocial behavior beyond group boundaries, according to the authors.


Article #18-19934: "Market integration accounts for local variation in generalized altruism in a nationwide lost-letter experiment," by Delia S. Baldassarri.

MEDIA CONTACT: Delia S. Baldassarri, New York University, NY; tel: 917-916-2434; e-mail:

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