News Release

A trained detection dog found sea turtle nests in Florida more accurately and efficiently than humans, indicating potential for dog-assisted nest monitoring

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Use of a scent-detection dog for sea turtle nest monitoring of three sea turtle species in Florida

image: Detection dog final response behavior at green turtle nesting site. The detection dog presenting a final response (sit) at a green turtle nesting site. The nesting site encompassed the disturbed area, with clear signs of sand being thrown into a mound between the up-crawl and the down-crawl. The eggs were located approximately 55 cm under sand where the dog’s nose is pictured. Printed under a CC BY license, with permission from Disney Worldwide Services, Inc., original copyright 2017. view more 

Credit: Lindborg et al., 2023, PLOS ONE, CC-BY 4.0 (

A trained detection dog found sea turtle nests in Florida more accurately and efficiently than humans, indicating potential for dog-assisted nest monitoring


Article URL:

Article Title: Use of a scent-detection dog for sea turtle nest monitoring of three sea turtle species in Florida

Author Countries: USA

Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work.

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