News Release

Call for application of Young Scientist Editorial Board (YSEB)

Business Announcement

Maximum Academic Press

What will you receive as a YSEB member?

Our journal intends to recruit several YSEB members who will collaborate with the Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors, contributing to the mission of Technology in Horticulture while gaining invaluable editorial experience.

(1) The Editor-in-Chief will send an Induction Letter to each new YSEB member.
(2) You will receive training or mentoring by experienced members of the Editorial Board or the editorial office administrators to familiarize yourself with the peer review process.
(3) Your responsibilities will include serving as a reviewer to assess manuscripts, soliciting papers, and organizing special issues to contribute to the journal.
(4) You can participate in academic exchange activities organized by the editorial office, such as journal editorial board meetings and young scientist forums.
(5) You will be able to expand your network of scientists with senior and junior colleagues of similar interests and have the opportunity to join the writing of opinion papers that provide rich discussion towards needs of science in horticulture.
(6) Your research work can be comprehensively promoted on the journal publicity platform.
(7) YSEB members who have made outstanding contributions to the journal have the opportunity to apply for promotion to Associate Editor.

How will you serve as a YSEB member?

YSEB members are expected to contribute to the journal by:

(1) acting as ambassadors of the journal and promoting it through social media, conferences, and other channels;
(2) submitting and inviting high-quality papers in the related field or organizing special issues on research hotspots;
(3) reviewing for the journal;
(4) participating in the academic editorial work for the journal;
(5) joining Editorial Board meetings, YSEB meetings, and other activities called by the Editor-in-Chief.

Application requirements

(1) Applicants should be active scientists in the field of horticulture.
(2) Applicants should be under 45 years old (including 45 years old).
(3) Applicants should have authored a minimum of 8 publications (e.g. in SCOPUS) so far in the career, or four publications within the last five years.
(4) Applicants should be interested in scholarly matters, particularly, in advocating for excellence in peer reviewing, accountability of journal work and be concerned about journal development.

Term and Evaluation

● Finalists will serve as GR's YSEB for a 2-year term.
● The editorial board will evaluate each YSEB according to their contribution during their term, and those who make outstanding contributions can be re-appointed or promoted to associate editor.

Application and Selection

Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, including a list of published works in the latest 5 years, and relevant peer-review experience to the editorial office of Technology in Horticulture at:

Potential candidates should be interested in current technologies and empirical information related to the horticultural industry. Technology in Horticulture aims to offer a venue for promoting academic exchange and disseminating empirical knowledge worldwide. The focus can include fruits, vegetables (including roots and tubers), ornamentals and medicinal plants. The scope of research considered by the journal includes, but is not limited to, the following:

● Cultural practices;
● Precision management across the production-supply chain;
● Environmentally-sound soil management;
● Nutrition and cover crop in conventional or organic culture systems;
● Application of artificial intelligence to horticulture production;
● Germplasm evaluation of disease and stress resistance;
● Pollination and fruit set;
● Propagation;
● Fruit and product quality control at the pre-and post-harvest stages;
● Controlled-environment technologies;
● Fruit and produce quality.

Applications will be reviewed by the Editorial Board members. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office of Technology in Horticulture. We look forward to receiving your applications.

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