News Release

Three-terminal light emitter boosts speed and functions in optoelectronic chips

Peer-Reviewed Publication

University of Science and Technology of China

The surge in demand for semiconductor chips, driven by the advent of artificial intelligence and the deepening of digital transformation, underscores the necessity for advancements in high-speed data transmission and computing. Within this landscape, Optical Electronic ICs, which utilize photons as information carriers, have emerged as a promising avenue for overcoming existing electronic system limitations. Central to this progress are photodiodes, fundamental components utilized in various applications such as LEDs and detectors. However, the traditional approach of employing external driving circuits alongside photodiodes hampers signal transmission speed, bandwidth, and system integration, posing significant challenges to the advancement of optoelectronic technology.


In response to these challenges, a pioneering breakthrough has been achieved by Prof. SUN Haiding’s iGaN Lab at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in collaboration with Academician LIU Sheng’s team from Wuhan University. The related research results were published online in the international journal Nature Electronics


The innovation introduces a multifunctional three-terminal diode, marking the first international instance of integrating a third terminal directly onto a gallium nitride-based p-n diode. This innovative approach enables the modulation of carrier behavior through an external electric field, thereby offering effective control over the optoelectronic characteristics of the diode. The integration of traditional photodiodes with a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure in a compact on-chip device opens new possibilities for utilizing external electric fields to control carrier transport during light emission or detection processes.


This research showcases the potential of the three-terminal diode in revolutionizing optoelectronic integrated chip technology. Beyond facilitating tunable light emission and multifunctional optoelectronic detection, this innovation promises to significantly enhance the performance and versatility of optical communication systems. By reducing reliance on external driving circuits, the three-terminal diode enables higher bandwidth and miniaturization, thus paving the way for more efficient and compact optical communication solutions. Moreover, its application extends to reconfigurable optoelectronic logic gates, empowering the development of high-speed integrated chips capable of adapting to diverse operational requirements without the need for structural modifications.


This transformative advancement represents a significant leap forward in the pursuit of next-generation optoelectronic integrated chips, offering unparalleled potential for innovation and progress in the field.

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