News Release

UVA data science professor receives NSF grant to explore how generative AI can generate K-12 test questions

Grant and Award Announcement

University of Virginia School of Data Science

Societal understanding of how artificial intelligence will transform education in the years ahead remains in its early stages, but a newly funded project from researchers at the University of Virginia may shed light on one key area: Can generative AI tools be used to develop high-quality test items for K-12 schools?

The School of Data Science is pleased to announce that the National Science Foundation has awarded a grant to a team of researchers, led by Sheng Li, a Quantitative Foundation Associate Professor of Data Science, to examine the feasibility of using generative AI to create questions for K-12 standardized testing, language testing, and other assessment needs. 

Li, as principal investigator, will work with two doctoral students at the School of Data Science — Dongliang Guo and Daiqing Qi — as well as pscychometricians from educational testing companies. 

The yearlong grant totaling $50,000 was awarded through the NSF’s I-Corps program, which was launched in 2011 as a way to allow research teams to quickly determine the market potential of their innovations through the customer discovery process. A goal is to provide scientists and scholars the opportunity to enhance the societal impact of their NSF-funded research endeavors.

Developing high-quality test items has long been a laborious, time-consuming, and expensive process.  Li and his team hope that their automatic item generation and evaluation system could be used by a variety of stakeholders — including K-12 testing companies, language testing agencies, and online education platforms — to reduce these burdens while still producing test questions that align with required specifications and ensure fairness.

The team will also collaborate with UVA’s Licensing & Ventures Group on patent applications.

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