News Release

機能性と耐久性を両立した量子ビット材料を発見 -半導体量子コンピュータの開発に新たな道筋-

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Tohoku University

Conceptual Art of the Acceptor-Based Spin-Orbit Qubit

image: Conceptual art of the acceptor-based spin-orbit qubit. A boron atom (yellow) implanted in silicon crystal (blue) bounds a hole. Orbital motion of a hole in silicon is coupled to its spin degree of freedom. This cou-pling is reminiscent of gears where circular motion (blue arrow) and spinning (red arrow) are locked to-gether. Quantum information is encoded to the combined motion and spin of a hole in the spin-orbit qubit. view more 

Credit: Takashi Kobayashi, Tohoku University


本研究は英国科学誌「Nature Materials」のオンライン版に2020年7月21日午前0時(日本時間)に掲載しました。


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