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Peer-Reviewed Publication

BMC (BioMed Central)

Naked mole-rats defy conventions of aging and reproduction

Naked mole-rats live in colonies of two breeders and around 300 non-breeding workers. Although the breeding pair carries the metabolic cost of reproduction and, in the queen’s case, lactation, they live longer than non-breeders and remain fertile throughout their lives. Researchers at the Leibniz Institute on Aging in Germany investigated the genetic mechanisms beneath this apparent paradox. Their findings are published in the open access journal BMC Biology.
裸鼹鼠群体由2只具有生殖能力的首领和大约300只没有生殖能力的工鼠组成。对于首领而言,繁殖会造成额外的能量消耗,鼠后在生育的基础上还要进行哺乳,本应因此削减寿命,但它们的寿命却比工鼠更长,且终生保有繁殖能力。德国莱布尼茨老年化研究所的研究者们调查了这一悖论背后的遗传学机制,他们的发现近期发表在了开放获取期刊《BMC生物学》(BMC Biology)上。

Dr Martin Bens, the corresponding author said: “Our results indicate that when naked mole-rats mature into breeders, it changes their aging rates, meaning that breeders are able to live longer than non-breeders. This is surprising, as evidence from other species suggest that reproduction, which ensures the survival of the species as a whole, reduces the lifespan of the individual. In naked mole-rats reproduction appears to prolong the breeders’ lifespan. This goes against the common expectation that mammals either invest resources in a long life or in reproduction.”
研究的通讯作者Martin Bens博士说:“我们的研究结果显示,当裸鼹鼠成熟发育出繁殖能力时,它们的衰老速率也同时被改变了,即首领能够比工鼠活得更久。这很让人吃惊,因为从其他物种身上找到的证据都表明,繁殖虽然对整个物种的生存有益,但却会削减个体的寿命。可是在裸鼹鼠中,生殖似乎可以延长寿命。这与哺乳动物要么将资源用来延长寿命、要么用来繁育后代的普遍认知相悖。”

The researchers analyzed the transcriptomes – the sum of all transcribed genes – for tissue samples taken from a range of organs, including heart, liver, and gonads. They compared the transcriptomes of naked mole-rat breeders to that of non-breeders, as well as to breeding and non-breeding guinea pigs, which are close relatives of the naked mole-rat but have a shorter lifespan.

The authors found that genes related to aging were expressed differently in samples from breeding naked mole-rats than those from guinea pigs and non-breeding naked mole-rats. For example, a gene related to muscle regeneration showed higher expression in naked mole-rat breeders which may be linked to higher resistance to muscle loss during aging. Gene expression changes like this may contribute to the exceptionally long lifespan of naked mole-rat breeders.

Dr Bens said: “Unlike non-breeding guinea pigs and other rodents, non-breeding naked mole-rats are not sexually dimorphic; they show no differences in body size, body mass or external genitalia, as well as few behavioral differences. One of the main and surprising findings of our study is that transcribed genes in non-breeding naked mole-rats also show no significant differences between females and males. However, we found that the transcriptome changes significantly when they mature into breeders.”

When the authors separated non-breeding naked mole-rats from colonies and paired them with naked mole-rats of the opposite sex, the workers transitioned into breeders. The transition was accompanied by physical and behavioral changes that differed between males and females – the animals became sexually dimorphic. Sexual maturation was also associated with a change in gene expression levels linked to extended life and health span.

Dr Bens said: “Deeper investigations of naked mole-rat transcriptome data can help us understand how sexual maturation is regulated. This could potentially help us better understand sexual maturation in humans, where the onset of puberty varies between individuals and is influenced by a variety of factors such as stress and nutrition. Variations in puberty onset have implications for the risk for diseases such as breast cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Our data may help identify targets to mitigate these variations.”

In another study titled ‘Species comparison of liver proteomes reveals links to naked mole-rat longevity and human aging,’ published in BMC Biology on the same day, Dr Bens and colleagues compared the liver of naked mole-rats with those of guinea pigs to further investigate the molecular mechanisms that underlie naked mole-rat longevity.
在同一天发表在《BMC生物学》上的另一个研究《肝脏蛋白质组的物种间比较揭示其与裸鼹鼠长寿及人类衰老的联系》(Species comparison of liver proteomes reveals links to naked mole-rat longevity and human aging)中,Bens博士与同事比较了裸鼹鼠和豚鼠的肝脏,以进一步研究裸鼹鼠长寿背后的分子机理。

Alessandro Ori, the corresponding author of the study said: “We found that naked mole-rat livers have a unique expression pattern of mitochondrial proteins that result in distinct metabolic features of their mitochondria, including an increased capacity to utilize fatty acids. We were also able to show that similar molecular networks are affected during aging in both naked mole-rats and humans, which suggests that there may be a direct link between these networks and the longevity of these species, both of which would be expected to have much shorter lives based on their body mass.”
这个研究的通讯作者Alessandro Ori说:“我们发现裸鼹鼠的肝脏在线粒体蛋白的表达上呈现出了一种特别的模式,导致它们的线粒体具备一些与众不同的代谢特征,其中包括较高的脂肪酸利用能力。我们还成功证明,无论是裸鼹鼠还是人类,在衰老过程中受影响的分子网络是类似的,这表明这些网络和这两个物种的长寿之间可能有直接的联系,必经按照体重估算他们的寿命本应短得多。”


Media Contact

Lucy Eccles
Communications Officer
T +44 20 7418 5730

Notes to editor附注:

1. Research article原文1:

Bens et al. Naked mole-rat transcriptome signatures of socially-suppressed sexual maturation and links of reproduction to aging
BMC Biology 2018
DOI: 10.1186/s12915-018-0546-z

After the embargo lifts, the article will be available here:


2. 原文2:

Heinze et al. Species comparison of liver proteomes reveals links to naked mole-rat longevity and human aging
BMC Biology 2018
DOI: 10.1186/s12915-018-0547-y

During the embargo period, the article is available here:

After the embargo lifts, the article will be available here:


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