News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

A Neural Explanation for "Monkey See, Monkey Do"

video: Sample gaze pattern of a monkey watching videos of social interactions (red dot) while being scanned for functional magnetic resonance imaging. Superimposed are the location of faces, bodies and hands and direction of actor monkeys' gaze, annotated for further analysis. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the 19 May 2017, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by J. Sliwa at The Rockefeller University in New York, NY, and colleagues was titled, "A dedicated network for social interaction processing in the primate brain." view more 

Credit: Filmed by C.J. Machado and D. Amaral (UC Davis) and post-processed by J. Sliwa and W.A. Freiwald (The Rockefeller University).

研究人员在灵长类动物中发现了一个专门用来分析社交互动的神经回路。社交互动是灵长类的一个主要的认知组分,但人们对这一过程的基础神经回路所知甚少。为了获得更多的了解,J. Sliwa 和 W. A. Freiwald用全脑功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)来对4只恒河猴在看视频时的脑部活动进行监测。这些视频捕捉到了猴子-猴子、猴子-物体及物体-物体间的互动,以及低层次的运动控制及自然复杂场景视频。作者发现,传统上已知与视觉特征加工有关的脑神经网络会在发生这些互动时被强势征用;他们还确认了一个在前额叶皮层内侧和腹外侧的神经网络,它只参与猴-猴间的互动。有趣的是,作者指出,这一社交互动网络的特征与人类社交互动相关的神经系统(该系统被称作心理理论和人类预设模式网络)相似。Sliwa和Freiwald说,因此,恒河猴看来与人类共有某些脑部区域的功能性和解剖特征。


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