News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Zika's Negative Effects, As Seen in Human Newborns, Persist in Adults, Mouse Study Shows

image: Zika infection during pregnancy can lead to birth defects such as microcephaly, and a new study shows it can cause other complications in infant mice such as seizures and motor deficits that persist into adulthood. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the 6 June, issue of <i>Science Translational Medicine</i>, published by AAAS. The paper, by I. Nem de Oliveira Souza at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and colleagues was titled, "Acute and chronic neurological consequences of early-life Zika virus infection in mice." view more 

Credit: Image by Fernanda Barros-Arag&atilde;o, based on Nem de Oliveira Souza<i> et al., Sci Transl Med</i>, 2018

科学家发现,小鼠在幼婴阶段感染寨卡病毒会导致癫痫及脑结构和行为的长期缺陷,这种情况会持续到成年期。他们的令人警醒的发现支持这样的理念,即在出生后感染寨卡病毒会显著改变婴儿的脑部发育;但他们的结果又显示,抑制某种信号蛋白或能减轻某些脑部异常的严重性。研究确认,孕妇感染寨卡病毒会严重伤害胚胎神经系统的发育,导致诸如眼睛损害和小头症等出生缺陷;小头症是一种以头变得异常小为特征的病症。新生婴儿感染寨卡病毒可导致诸如癫痫(它不会立刻变得明显)等众多其它病症,但这些变化的直接动物证据仍然缺乏。为了寻求进一步的线索,Isis Nem de Oliveira Souza和同事对新生小鼠感染寨卡病毒后的短期及长期神经学后果进行了调查。他们用寨卡病毒感染出生后3天的小鼠幼婴,并对其行为及神经发育进行监测,直至小鼠成年。作者发现,大多数受到感染的小鼠会在早至出生后9天时出现自发性癫痫,它们在成年时仍然会比对照组小鼠更容易出现化学诱发性癫痫。此外,在婴儿期的行为测试中,受到感染的小鼠会显示出运动功能和肌肉力量下降,它们在成年时会表现出短期记忆损害。这些行为缺陷还伴随着脑内持续性病毒复制和炎症。最后,给予一种能抑制促炎分子TNF-α的药物可预防感染幼鼠的癫痫发作;这表明,对大脑炎症做针对性处理可以减轻感染寨卡病毒的新生小鼠的某些长期性后果。


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