News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Snake Fang-Like Patch Quickly Delivers Liquid Medicines in Rodents (1 of 5)

image: Snakes have a grooved rear fang that can quickly inject venom into the prey by taking advantage of capillary action. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Jul. 31, 2019, issue of <i>Science Translational Medicine</i>, published by AAAS. The paper, by W.-G. Bae at Soongsil University in Seoul, Republic of Korea; and colleagues was titled, "Snake fang-inspired stamping patch for transdermal delivery of liquid formulations." view more 

Credit: [Credit: W.-G. Bae <i>et al., Science Translational Medicine</i> (2019)]

科学家们基于蛇的毒牙创建了一种微针片,它能在不到15秒内通过啮齿类动物的皮肤输送具治疗作用的液体和疫苗。他们的装置回避了与先前微针片相关的给药泵系统及额外的药物准备步骤,从而表明它能成为一种灵活易用的药物输送平台。药液和疫苗通常通过皮下针头注射给药,但针头带有感染风险且常会引起疼痛。使用微针片装置是一种有吸引力的简单无痛给药的替代选择,但现有的方法要求采取额外的步骤来准备药物,且它们无法有效地输送液体配方的药物。在这里,Won-Gyu Bae和同事从后侧长有分泌毒液毒牙的蛇获得了灵感:这些有着特别沟槽毒牙的蛇能快速地将毒液注入其猎物体内。他们创制的微针片含有多达6条相似的沟槽并能通过拇指向皮肤施加柔和压力来输送各种液体。重要的是,他们的微针片利用了一种叫作毛细现象的液体流动形式,因而无需复杂的给药泵系统。该研究团队发现,他们的装置能通过小鼠和豚鼠的皮肤快速地给予利多卡因制剂或灭活的流感病毒,产生能保护动物免于随后给予致死剂量流感病毒影响的可测的免疫反应。Bae等人说,需要在大型动物模型和人类志愿者中做进一步的测试更广泛液体类型的研究后才能对其进行临床试验。


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