News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Graphemes Can Be Manipulated to Study How the Brain Processes Those Fundamental Units of Alphabetic

image: Graphemes, the written symbols for language sounds, can be manipulated to study how the brain processes those fundamental units of alphabetic systems. view more 

Credit: Image courtesy of Florence Bouhali

一项有20名受试者参与的研究发现,当操纵字素语音的书写符号从而帮助或削弱对它们的识别的时候,诸如写成c-ha-ir 而不是 ch-ai-r,大脑的一个特定视觉区域的激活受到了调控;这组作者说,这些结果提示,这个大脑区域分析书写词汇用于翻译成声音,而非用于获取词义这种分离可能解释阅读习得与熟练的变化性。


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