News Release

Does coronary microvascular spasm exist?

Objective evidence from intracoronary doppler flow measurements during acetylcholine testing

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications

In a new publication from Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications; DOI, Fabian Guenther, Andreas Seitz, Valeria Martínez Pereyra, Raffi Bekeredjian, Udo Sechtem and Peter Ong from the Department of Cardiology, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart, Germany consider whether coronary microvascular spasm exists.

Real-time coronary blood flow velocity measurement during acetylcholine spasm provocation testing using a Doppler-sensor-equipped wire may facilitate the diagnosis of coronary microvascular spasm, especially if other criteria are ambiguous as emphasized in European Society of Cardiology guidelines for chronic coronary syndromes.


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