News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

From Theory to Reality: The Creation of Metallic Hydrogen

image: Image of diamond anvils compressing molecular hydrogen. At higher pressure the sample converts to atomic hydrogen, as shown on the right. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Jan. 27 2017, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by R.P. Dias at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, and colleagues was titled, "Observation of the Wigner-Huntington transition to metallic hydrogen." view more 

Credit: R. Dias and I.F. Silvera

80多年来,人们一直在预测,在某些条件下,氢会呈现金属性质;如今,科研人员已经成功展示了这一现象。理论上,金属氢具有物理学领域中许多重要的性质,其中包括高温超导性和超流性,这对解决能源问题可能具有重要意义。1935年,E. Wigner和H. B. Huntington两位科学家预测,在25 GPa的压力下,金属氢会成为一种原子金属。尽管认识到Wigner和Huntington的某些假设是不正确的,但要将氢压缩成金属被证明是一个惊人的挑战。Ranga Dias和Isaac F. Silvera最终在5.5开尔文及465至近495GPa间实现了氢的金属化,该压力比最初预计的要高近20倍。光谱测量结合简单计算要求氢与其标准分子态(H2)解离而成为一个原子金属。作者认为,基于目前的理论,该金属相极有可能是固态的,但他们没有实验证据来区分固态和液态。然而,这一进展代表的是花了80多年才取得的成就。作者得出结论:“一个隐现的挑战是淬火冷却金属氢,如果这样的话,需研究其温度稳定性以观察是否有大量生产的途径。”


Article #16: "Observation of the Wigner-Huntington Transition to Metallic Hydrogen," by R.P. Dias; I.F. Silvera at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA.

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