News Release

Basics of pediatric surgery

Book Announcement

Bentham Science Publishers

There is an increase in the number of births, accompanied by an increase in congenital anomalies, which can cause permanent disability if not diagnosed and treated correctly. And not only that, there are some pathological cases that appear in different time periods of the child's life, for example: in the period of infancy, the first year of life, the period of the third to fifth year of life, and in the school and adolescence years. Parallel to these pathological cases, we find the unintentional neglect of health departments or organizations in giving sufficient importance to such cases that require surgical intervention, while we find the bulk of the health system’s interest in caring for the mother and the diseases that accompany the period of child development until puberty. When we delve deeper into the knowledge of the defect in this, we also find that graduates of the College of Medicine and Nursing do not have sufficient knowledge and necessary information on how to diagnose and provide primary health care for such cases, and the reason for this is that the scientific curriculum in medical and nursing colleges does not give sufficient importance to pediatric surgery. All of these matters cause us to stop and look for the reasons and move forward in order to develop plans and a platform for change for the better. We raised a slogan under the title (Towards a Safe Childhood), and we formed a working group of professors and students of the Faculty of Medicine in order to achieve this slogan. After we realized the ills and causes, we found many difficulties in achieving this goal, for example, the failure of the health system to respond to advice to correct the path, the Corona crisis, and the lack of an integrated research center that unites us. So we established a center for research and studies at our expense and of our own, and we did not obtain official approvals to recognize it as a center, but it was approved in its opening in order for us to meet with it. We found one of the solutions that may help the scientific and health system in providing adequate care through the presence of a book containing the basics of pediatric surgery. The work was divided between our work team, and the process of collecting information, typesetting the chapters of the book and correction continued for a whole year, and the files of this book were sent to the Bentham Publishing House, which had a good role in providing us with assistance in publishing this book, which the College of Medicine at the University of Kufa promised us to adopt it as a taught curriculum In the College of Medicine. Although this work was arduous and tiring, especially from what we suffer here, we find that it planted a smile on the presence of our work team, which raised the slogan (Towards a Safe Childhood), and also provided the opportunity for many to participate in this work and opened another chapter for us in preparing for the writing of the book pediatric trauma: management and treatment which We will start it soon, God willing

Essentials of Pediatric Surgery is an introductory reference on basic pediatric medicine and surgery. The book provides the reader the information on which a surgeon relies on in diagnosis and treatment.


Chapters start with the physiology of infants before progressing into separate topics about the surgery of different sections including the head and neck, chest, abdomen, reproductive organs, cancers, and the nervous system. Information is presented in a simple manner, which makes the text easy to understand for both students and medical residents.

Essentials of Pediatric Surgery is a handy textbook for both medical students studying modules on pediatric surgery and residents in training in pediatric clinics.



Editors: Sultan Mohsen Ghanem,  Najah Hadi,  Nada Al-Haris


Keywords: Pediatric Surgery, uterine environment, thoracic surgery, Jeune syndrome, Torticollis, Prenatal Diagnosis, Anastomotic Leaks, Surgical Management, Recto vestibular Fistulas, Etiology, Post-operative care



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