News Release

The Great North and its challenges

An Annual Scientific Meeting

Meeting Announcement

École de technologie supérieure

Researchers from the Observatoire hommes-milieux International du Nunavik (OHMI) will meet on November 24 and 25, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m (eastern time) via Zoom. They will present the results of seven research activities that were been launched to address issues arising from climate, ecological and social changes in the Arctic (see table below for the projects that will be presented).

Research themes include:

  • Industrial development, sustainable development and renewable energy sources
  • Food security and self-sufficiency
  • Inuit health and well-being and their relationship to the environment
  • Climate change, natural hazards and vulnerabilities of users of Nunavik parks, protected areas and cultural sites
  • Traditional knowledge, heritage, intergenerational discussions and Inuit perception of their territory


Interested in attending these discussions (in French only)? Write to from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at École de technologie supérieure (ETS Montreal).

About OHMI-Nunavik

This group was created on the initiative of the Centre national de recherche scientifique (CNRS) (France) and Centre d'études nordiques (CEN) (Quebec) research institutes, and the communities residing in Nunavik who wish to take control of the development and management of their territory, particularly in a context where the Arctic is undergoing climate, ecological and social changes.


Project Nuna 
Fabienne Joliet, Laine Chanteloup, Thora Herrmann, Daniel Chartier, Véronique Coxam

Project Siqiniq 
Stéphane Gibout, Didier Haillot, Paul Piché, Danielle Monfet, Cedric Arrabie, Jasmin Raymond, Timothée Maheux, Robin Chaubier

Project Kinngaq
Armelle Decaulne, Najat Bhiry, Beatriz Funatsu

Project U-Scan
Véronique Coxam, Danielle Cloutier, Julien Gigault, Charlotte Carrier-Belleau, Fabienne Joliet, Laine Chanteloup, najat Bhiry, Armelle Decaulne

Project Takujuq
Armelle Decaulne, Daniel Germain, Fabienne Joliet, Laine Chanteloup, Thora Herrmann

Project HYDECO
Laurent Godet, Nicolas Lecomte

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