News Release

BioOne and SPIE publish case study on nonprofit platform partnership

Peer-Reviewed Publication


WASHINGTON D.C. – A new case study published in Learned Publishing explores the early years of the nonprofit partnership between BioOne and SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. The two organizations began collaborating in 2016, with BioOne migrating to a SPIE-hosted publishing platform three years later.

The open access article points to a great potential for organizations to form collaborative partnerships, particularly in the nonprofit environment, which can reduce costs and aid in strategic development. The authors also present "best practices" uncovered during the collaboration, among them the importance of regular and transparent communication and reciprocal service-level agreements with clear expectations.

"Over the past six years, we have found the most important lessons are also the least specific to the BioOne-SPIE partnership," notes Lauren Kane, BioOne President/CEO and case study co-author. "We believe strongly in the power of nonprofit collaboration and hope we can serve as a useful educational model for those within the scholarly publishing community – and beyond."  

"This partnership is built to evolve, scale, and serve as a template for others considering similar collaborations. In fact, it has already begun to do so," said co-author Scott Ritchey, Chief Technology Officer, SPIE. "All of the work to date provides a strong foundation for future developments and fertile ground for those new ideas that will push both organizations forward."

BioOne and SPIE will continue to share their progress and lessons learned as the partnership matures. They welcome interest from other nonprofit organizations interested in collaborating. 


About BioOne

BioOne is an innovative nonprofit collaborative and the leading content aggregator in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. More than 150 global scientific societies and nonprofit publishing organizations include their journals in BioOne's flagship product, BioOne Complete, for the benefit of 3,500 accessing institutions and millions of researchers worldwide. Since 2001, BioOne has returned more than $63 million in royalty sharing back to its participants, with a commitment to share research more broadly, equitably, and sustainably.


Media Contact: Amanda Rogers
Marketing Communications Associate, BioOne


About SPIE

SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, brings engineers, scientists, students, and business professionals together to advance light-based science and technology. The Society, founded in 1955, connects and engages with our global constituency through industry-leading conferences and exhibitions; publications of conference proceedings, books, and journals in the SPIE Digital Library; and career-building opportunities. Over the past five years, SPIE has contributed more than $22 million to the international optics community through our advocacy and support, including scholarships, educational resources, travel grants, endowed gifts, and public-policy development.


Media Contact: Daneet Steffens
Public Relations Manager, SPIE


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