News Release

Simulation study of how body shapes and sizes affected energetic efficiency helps explain relative success of early Polynesian voyaging

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Estimated energetic demands of thermoregulation during ancient canoe passages from Tahiti to Hawaii and New Zealand, a simulation analysis

image: Fiordland in southern New Zealand. view more 

Credit: Atholl Anderson, CC-BY 4.0 (

Simulation study of how body shapes and sizes affected energetic efficiency helps explain relative success of early Polynesian voyaging


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Article Title: Estimated energetic demands of thermoregulation during ancient canoe passages from Tahiti to Hawaii and New Zealand, a simulation analysis

Author Countries: USA, Australia, New Zealand

Funding: AM received financial support from the Maritime Encounters (M21-0018) project funded by Sweden's Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.

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