News Release

Two-thirds of turtle injuries and strandings recorded in the Maldives across 12 years arose from entanglement with lost and discarded fishing gear

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Evaluation of sea turtle morbidity and mortality within the Indian Ocean from 12 years of data shows high prevalence of ghost net entanglement

image: A sea turtle in Dhigurah, Maldives. view more 

Credit: naushad mohamed, Unsplash, CC0 (

Two-thirds of turtle injuries and strandings recorded in the Maldives across 12 years arose from entanglement with lost and discarded fishing gear


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Article Title: Evaluation of sea turtle morbidity and mortality within the Indian Ocean from 12 years of data shows high prevalence of ghost net entanglement

Author Countries: Republic of the Maldives

Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work.

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