News Release

Rapid cropland expansion in Brazil

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Researchers report that intensive row cropping area in Brazil increased from 26 Mha to 46.1 Mha between 2000 and 2014, around 80% of which was due to conversion of pasture to cropland and 20% due to conversion of natural vegetation, based on analysis of spatially detailed satellite imagery; expansion in dry tropical cerrado savannas was 2.5 times that of Amazon forests with overall dynamics reflecting market conditions, land use policies, and other factors.


Article #18-10301: "Near doubling of Brazil's intensive row crop area since 2000," by Viviana Zalles et al.

MEDIA CONTACT: Viviana Zalles, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; tel: 301-405-3083; e-mail:

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