News Release

Climate change and fishery employment

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A study analyzing 1965-2017 North Atlantic Oscillation climate index data; 1971-2017 catch and revenue data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and 1990-2017 data of county-level fishing salaries, employment, and establishments in New England from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that climate variability between 1996 and 2017 is responsible for an estimated 16% decline in county-level fishing employment in New England, suggesting that climate may influence fishing employment at a regional level.

Article #18-20154: "Climate variability reduces employment in New England fisheries," by Kimberly L. Oremus.

MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly L. Oremus, University of Delaware, Newark, DE; tel: 302-831-1503; email:


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