News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Drug Attacks Safe Haven for HIV (1 of 1)

video: Saraubh Mehandru, senior author of the new study, discusses the findings and implications of the research. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Oct. 3, 2018, issue of Science Translational Medicine, published by AAAS. The paper, by M. Uzzan at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, N.Y., and colleagues was titled, "Anti-a4ß7 therapy targets lymphoid aggregates in the gastrointestinal tract of HIV-1-infected individuals." view more 

Credit: Mount Sinai Hospital

在同时罹患炎性肠病(IBD)和HIV的病人中所进行的第一个人体研究发现,给予一种治疗IBD的药物可破坏肠道内感染HIV的T细胞的聚集,后者会形成一个持续的感染库。该化合物叫做维多珠单抗(vedolizumab,VDZ),它或能在某一天对研发治愈HIV的药物提供帮助。尽管现代的抗病毒药物能牵制HIV,但仍然没有治疗药物可将该病毒从体内消灭。一个关键性的路障是该病毒能感染驻留在胃肠(GI)道粘膜组织内的T细胞。减少或清除这一病毒库是HIV研究者的主要目标,但还需做更多的研究来研发安全有效的疗法。Mathieu Uzzan等人在此聚焦于含有a4ß7的T细胞;a4ß7是一种蛋白,它能介导免疫细胞至胃肠道某些部位的迁徙。他们将以a4ß7为标靶的治疗IBD的一线药物VDZ用于6名IBD患者,这组人同时感染了HIV;他们在治疗前后通过血液化验及结肠镜检查对这些人进行了为期30周的监测。VDZ阻止了T细胞在受试者小肠内的簇集,并在研究期间被证明是安全的。作者说,这些结果支持这样的理念,即抗a4ß7疗法或是一个在持续寻求根除HIV的治疗中的重要工具。


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