News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

How People Discern Changes in Pitch to Extract Meaning From Language

image: Researchers have identified neurons in the brain that help discern changes in relative pitch, playing an essential role in helping humans extract meaning from speech. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Aug. 25, 2017, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by C. Tang at University of California, San Francisco in San Francisco, Calif., and colleagues was titled, "Intonational speech prosody encoding in the human auditory cortex." view more 

Credit: Carla Schaffer / AAAS

人类在听人说话时觉察音调高低的能力是他们从单词中提取其意义所必需的,如今,研究人员已经找到了一组神经元,它们能够探测到音调的这种相对变化。音调在人类语言中是如此重要:完全相同的单词如果音调不同会有不同的意思。例如,“安娜喜欢桔子”可以是一个陈述句,但如果在句子的末尾音调改变,它则会成为疑问句“安娜喜欢桔子?”人类十分擅于觉察音调变化,他们甚至能在音乐旋律中辨识音符顺序被颠倒。如今,Claire Tang和同事报告有一个神经元亚组,它们能觉察相对音高。他们对10名癫痫患者的神经活动进行了研究,在这些病人的脑中植入了可监控脑部活动的装置。他们让病人接触合成的声音,后者可独立变化语调升降曲线、语音内容和说话者的身份(男 vs. 女)。这些数据揭示了当以完全相同音调模式呈现完全不同句子时会做出相同反应的脑区。同样地,对男性和女性(男女往往会有绝对的音调差别)声音会呈现不同的神经反应。接着,研究人员让参与者接触数百名男女所说的句子,从而能检测到那些能分别对相对较高和较低音调敏感的脑区。作者报告,在记录语调的45个电极中有38个电极预测相对音调的能力要高于对绝对音调的预测能力。


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