News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Breaching the Sexual Differentiation Paradigm for Reproductive Tract Development

image: The normal female mouse embryo (top) contains only the female reproductive tract highlighted in pink. The female mutant mouse embryo without COUP-TFII (bottom) develops as intersex that has both male (blue) and female reproductive tracts. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the 18 August 2017, issue of <i>Science</i>, published by AAAS. The paper, by F. Zhao at National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Durham, NC, and colleagues was titled, "Elimination of the male reproductive tract in the female embryo is promoted by COUP-TFII in mice." view more 

Credit: Yao laboratory at NIEHS

与普遍共识相悖,科学家揭示了一种出乎意料的性别分化机制,它涉及胚胎发育时关键性的生殖结构。每一种哺乳动物的胚胎,无论其属于哪种性别,它们都有被称作沃尔夫氏管和苗勒氏管的原始生殖道。在胚胎发育到16.5天左右时,这两种原始生殖道中会有一种被保持下来,而另一种则会退化:雌性会保留苗勒氏管,后者会分化成输送卵子的器官;雄性会保留沃尔夫氏管,后者最终会成为承载精子的器官。在雄性中,被称作雄激素的荷尔蒙会维持沃尔夫氏管;因此,在雌性中,苗勒氏管的维持(及沃尔夫氏管的退化)被认为源自雄激素的缺乏。如今,Fei Zhao和同事用小鼠模型证明,对激素敏感的核受体COUP-TFII可促成沃尔夫氏管的退化,而这一作用与雄激素活性无关。作者发现,在Coup-tfII基因阙如时,雌性小鼠及缺乏睾丸(睾丸是雄激素的来源)的雄性小鼠都能保留沃尔夫氏管。同样地,FGF(FGF是沃尔夫氏管形成所需的一种生长因子)的受体和p-ERK(它是PGF激活的蛋白之一)会在雌性的敲除Coup-tfII的小鼠中增加,从而对促使沃尔夫氏管的保留有帮助。总之,Zhao和其团队的发现促使人们就雄激素对生殖道的选择作用进行重新评估。在相关的《视角》中,Amanda Swain进一步讨论了Zhao等人研究的意义,如其对人类生殖疾病和缺陷研究会有什么影响等。


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