News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

An Antibody Treatment Combats Life-Threatening Sepsis in Rodents (2 of 2)

video: This video describes the results of a recent study by Weiqiang Chen and colleagues that links the protein tetranectin to the potentially lethal outcomes of sepsis - with potential relevance for secondary bacterial infections in COVID-19 patients. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Apr. 15, 2019, issue of Science Translational Medicine, published by AAAS. The paper, by W. Chen at Northwell Health in Manhasset, NY; and colleagues was titled, "Identification of tetranectin-targeting monoclonal antibodies to treat potentially lethal sepsis." view more 

Credit: [Credit: Dr. Haichao Wang with technical assistance from Zoe Wang and Echo Wang]

败血症是人体对严重感染的极端且伤害器官的反应,它是促成与传染病抗争患者死亡的主要因素。通过研究重症监护中的败血症患者,科学家们创造了一种新的抗体疗法;当在小鼠模型中进行测试时,该治疗可通过对抗败血症来提高生存率。Cameron Paterson和同事在相关的《焦点》文章中说,这种新方法“具有明显的转化潜力,它克服了许多小鼠败血症研究中的局限性。” 败血症造成了沉重的医疗和经济负担;它每年在美国造成至少620亿美元的损失;据估计,它造成了占20%的全球所有死亡人数。败血症治疗的进展仍然不易确定,对新疗法的大多数临床试验都未能证据具持久的生存裨益。在对一小批败血症患者进行研究时,Weiqiang Chen和同事发现,与健康对照相比,患者血液中的一种名叫四连接素的蛋白浓度要低得多。作者发现,将小鼠的四连接素敲除会加剧严重炎症、肺损伤和致命性败血症的其它特征,但给小鼠补充四连接素可减少其器官损伤并延长生存期。通过筛检实验,该研究小组设计了一种抗体,该抗体可与四连接素中名叫P5的肽发生反应,并阻止该蛋白降解。即使在败血症出现后整整24小时才开始治疗,该抗体也可在小鼠败血症模型中提高存活率。尽管需要做更多的研究,但作者推测,他们的疗法可能会在严重的细菌感染中找到应用,甚至还可能对某些COVID-19患者有所帮助,尤其是在那些患有会导致危及生命败血症的继发性细菌感染的患者中。


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